Saturday, March 14, 2009


"Epicor Resolves Long Takeover Battle, For Now" screams the headline news here.

Personally, I'm not too sure. I believe this is the beginning of the end for Epicor. Eventually it would be pressured by the additional 2 Elliot's directors to sell off and merged with a bigger players, probably in 12 - 18 months' time.

But Finsoft invested so much on Epicor 9, and I have been instrumental in moving towards this direction. How am I going to tell my business partner that I'm not seeing the light with Epicor? How am I going to tell my staff that I can no longer see any future in the ERP market?

Perhaps it's best to exit the ERP market altogether.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Nazri in Action - UMNO Boleh!

Look at the first photo and compare to the 2nd photo. Is it the same person? Sure looks the same to me.

Khalwat? Nah,... it's just having some fun time UMNO style! UMNO boleh!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Altantuya comes back to haunt Najib

Do you want a murderer to be your PM?

The French Liberation newspaper, a top newspaper in France reveals intriguing details on the murder of Altantuya Shariibuu case. The writer Arnaud Dubus (a journalist based in Thailand) has visited Ulanbataar and Kuala Lumpur, and returns with several new information regarding the case.

You can see the translated news here and here.

Now the biggest questions are :
- who are the mastermind that gave the order to kill Altantuya. The 2 policemen wouldn't have a motive to kill someone they didn't know.
- who deleted the immigration record of Altantuya entering Malaysia?
- who has the authority to do the above?

It does not take a rocket scientist to come to a logical conclusion.

Najib, step down and clear your name if you're innocent. We don't need a murderer Prime Minister.

Monday, March 2, 2009

NTU student stabbed Professor

Although Singapore has always a "good" reputation for their "high" education standard, I always have my doubt. I have previously employed a few graduates from Singapore and they all turned out to be lemons.

When I saw the news that NTU in Singapore joined other universities in US where killing is becomes the "norm", I'm not surprised at all. It bounds to happen - it's a time bomb in Singapore universities with all the crazy pressure.

The education system in Singapore is too rigid, focused too heavily on academic performance and lacking in creativity amongst others. The extreme pressure on the students has only manage to create what I call walking zombies.

In my present job as the GM of an ERP firm, I have to deal with Singaporeans, who are the software principal, on a daily basis. And I sometimes wonder if one day these people will "explode" and I be the victim?? Touch wood, no....

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Economy Crashing Down and Recession

All the economic data from Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, US and EU countries showed drastic drop in GDP for Q4 2008. Yes, there's no denying that we're already in a recession.

Many economists think that we'll recover soon - this present economic recession is just part of normal boom and bust economic cycle. But I do not see it that way. I predict that this economic recession will be longer, much longer. It won't be a year, but we could be talking about 5 years of negative or no growth. The toxic financial debt in the world is much worst than disclosed and recognized. Basically, there's no turning back now. We'll only recover if there's a serious changes in our economic way of doing things, which I doubt will happen any time soon.

Unfortunately, I'm in the ERP business. I have invested much in my the business and unable to pull out now. I even sold my BMW mid last year to fund my ERP business. What can I do now? I can't tell my business partner that I want to pull out. I can't tell Epicor that I can't see any future in the ERP market, especially the manufacturing industry is like falling off a cliff now. I can't tell my staff that I don't have confidence in the ERP industry.

I'll just have to pretend things will be better, although I know it is not.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Time to Abolish the Monarchy System in Malaysia

In a constitutional monarchy system, the monarch serves a the guardian to the democracy system. But in Malaysia, the monarchy seems more interested to protect their rice bowl - most are in business (you scratch my back, I scratch your back system).

While all the bickering is happening, nobody is looking after the public economical welfare. With a BIG economy crisis looming, it seems that Malaysians are doomed!

It's time to kick out the pariah UMNO and anjing monarch. Daulat Tuanku my ass! Duit-mu Tuanku seems more appropriate.

How the Lees Scammed the Singaporeans and Got Away with it

Temasek Holdings easily lost $50 billion of Singaporeans' taxed money. Now they get a white guy named Goodyear to be the sacrificial lamb. In another news, GIC lost another whopping $50 billion.

That's $100 billions!!! Singaporeans must be idiot to have kept quiet all this while. Hey, it's your taxed money, my friends!! Wake up, anybody home?

After siphoning billions into their own pockets, now the Lees are using this one in a lifetime opportunity to put the blame on the economy. How brilliant!